PDF In­se­cu­ri­ty at NDSS 2021

04.03.2021 - Vladislav Mladenov

Recently, we have pu­blis­hed two pa­pers on the "NDSS Symposium 2021".

Our first paper is "Pro­ces­sing Dan­ge­rous Paths - On Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy of the Por­ta­ble Do­cu­ment For­mat" and deals with the security issues in PDF files. In the paper, we answer the question "What could go wrong if you open a PDF file?".

Our se­cond paper "Shadow At­tacks: Hiding and Re­pla­cing Con­tent in Si­gned PDFs" presents novel attacks on PDF signatures. The attacks allow the manipulation of digitally signed PDF documents without causing any warning by opening the file.

More in­for­ma­ti­on can be found on "pdf-in­se­cu­ri­ty.​org", in our blog­posts ("Blogpost: PDF Dangerous Paths", "Blogpost: PDF Shadow Attacks"), and videos ("Youtube: PDF Dangerous Paths", "Youtube: PDF Shadow Attacks").

tags: PDF